In an effort to “share information and experiences in the practical aspects of Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing and data analysis,” the State DOTs had a vision of getting FWD users together. Among others, Erland Lukanen (Luke), and Lynne Irwin used the ASTM and TRB meetings as a forum to get things going. Luke organized the logistics for the first meeting and Lynne was the Secretary/Treasurer. This “vision” became a reality in 1992 in Maplewood, Minnesota and is now known as the FWD Users Group.
FWDUG meetings are held annually, usually in September or October. The location varies, and is generally hosted by one of the member organizations. All owners, operators, users, and manufacturers are invited to exchange ideas and participate in the FWDUG meetings. For more information on future FWDUG meetings, click here.