2024 (Fort Worth, Texas)
- Keynote Address by Jenny Li, TX DOT
- Evaluation of Joint Load Transfer Deficiencies using TSD Data: Case Study at the New Pavement Testing Facility – Ken Maser / Infrasense
- Introducing A New Solution for Network Level Pavement Structural Evaluation Using TSDD, A Case Study of Mississippi Department of Transportation – Mostafa Nakhaei / ICC- IMS
- The Use of TSDd FALKORR at Autopista Fernão Dias – Noe Hernandez & Douglas Negrão, Abertis/Roadrunner Consulting
- Leveraging Non-Destructive Testing in Superheavy Load Movement Analysis on Flexible Pavements: A PennDOT Case Study – Elie Hajj / Univ. of Nevada-Reno
- Investigatory screening for weak spots at the network level with Traffic-Speed Deflection Testing – Martin Scavone / ARRB Systems
- Recent Advances in Doppler Laser Technology and Its Significance on D0 Repeatability – Lasse Høi / MEASURE
- 3-Force Level FWD Testing – Christian Busch / Sweco
- Field Evaluation of FWD data for Balanced Design – Carl A. Lenngren / AFRY Infrastructure
- Nonlinear Dynamic Backcalculation – Gabriel Bazi / pulsuus
- Enhanced Temperature Gradient Prediction for Asphalt Layers in Full-Depth Asphalt and Composite Pavement Using Machine Learning Techniques – Jin Li, Seonghwan Cho / Purdue University/INDOT
- NDT Testing and Its Analysis for the Trafficking in Construction Cycle 9 – Richard Ji / FAA
- One equipment testing railroads and highways structures: Proof of Concept – Rami Chkaiban / ARA
- Characterizing Mechanical Responses of Composite Pavements in FWD Testing for Structural Condition Evaluation – Cheng Zhang/Seonghwan Cho/ Purdue University/INDOT
- Case Studies on Asphalt Pavement Evaluation Using a Novel FWD Dispersion Curve Method – Zhen Liu / Pennsylvania State University
- Analysis of Structural Response of Concrete Slabs with Different Support Conditions and Traffic Loads Using HWD Time-history Data – Luis Ramirez / QES
2023 (Crystal City, Virginia)
- Keynote Address by Keith Platte
- LWD/FWD Construction Quality Control and Evaluation of New Bio-Binder Pilot Project by Phillip Donovan, Joseph Dibb
- Dynatest Deflectometers: Product Line, Options and Upgrades by Ms. Audyn Woodington
- A Proposed Verification Approach for TSD Measurements by Mahdi Nasimifar
- DeepDef: A Deep Learning Solution for Network Level Pavement Structural Evaluation Using a FastFWD, A Case Study of Four Cities and One County by Mostafa Nakhaei
- Backcalculation of Energy Dissipation for Multiple Layers by Carl A. Lenngren
- TSD Calibration and Its Effect on Calculated Deflections by Nate Bech
- Predict Stress to Strength Ratio to Estimate Remaining Service Life of Concrete Pavements Using the FWD Deflections by Bongsuk Park, Seonghan Cho
- Investigation of Temperature Effect on the FWD Deflections of Full Depth Asphalt Pavements by Pablo Orosa Iglesias, Seonghan Cho
- DSteele: A New Program for Simulating Flexible Pavement Response under Moving Loads – Preliminary Lessons Learned by Joseph Dib
- Assessing Modulus Gradient of Pavement Layers Using Modified FWD Test by Shihui Shen, Xue Wang
- FWD Temperature Adjustment Factors Using Time History Data by Nima Kargah-Ostadi
- Measure Deflectometer, Doppler-laser Based Deflectometer by Kåre Sloth
- Enhanced Approach to Back-Calculate the Dynamic Modulus Master Curve from the FWD Time History Data by Mohammad Ali Notani, Seonghan Cho
- A Bayesian approach to falling weight deflectometer Backcalculation by Keaton P. Coletti
- GPR-AI Application for Pavement Systems O&M by Ahmad Abdelmawla
- PMS and Pavement Structural Response Data by Peter Schmalzer
2022 (Reno, Nevada)
- Keynote Address: Pavement Deflections From Traditional Applications to Latest Developments by Dr. Alvaro Ulloa
- Pavement ME Deflection Data Analysis and Backcalculation Tool by Joseph Dib
- Backcalculation of Energy Dissipation of Unbound Layers and Relate it to Past Traffic by Carl Lenngren
- Examining the Computational Issues of Dynamic Backcalculation by Ryan Romeo
- iPAVe Evolution: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going by Michael Richardson
- Estimation of the Effective Structural Number Using Falling Weight Deflectometer Data to Evaluate Structural Condition of Full-Depth Asphalt Pavements by Seonghwan Cho
- NDOT’s TSD Experience to Date by Peter Schmalzer
- How Important is Pavement Dynamics under different Dynamic Loads? by Hyung Lee
- Current challenges and opportunities for FWD testing and back-calculation: Case studies by Rami Chkaiban
- Assessment of Structural Capacity and Level of Deterioration in Pavements Using Different Techniques: Two Case Studies in Louisiana by Moses Akentuna
- Dynamic Backcalculation Test Frequency Range by Heyang Qin
- How to compare FWD-data with TSD-data by Marshall Arokia
- Recent Improvements on the Dynatest Model 8012 FastFWD and our Support Structure by Mike South
- Improvement of Pavement Characterization using FWD Data for NAPTF CC3 Simulation by Rami Skaff
- Comparison of ASTM E2583 and E2835 Light Weight Deflectometers – Understanding their Differences and Applications by Garry Aicken
- Using Wide-Array Ground-Penetrating Radar for determining the cause of sinking approach slabs by Phillip Donovan
- Evaluation of Frost Penetration Effect on the Structural Capacity and Functional Condition of Flexible Pavements by Luis Ramirez
2021 (Virtual)
- Deflection-based Compaction Criteria for Open-Graded layer by using Light Weight Deflectometers by Deb Mishra
- An Example of Network Level Structural Testing With the Multu Speed Deflectometer (MSD) in Dunedin, NZ by Lily Grimshaw
- Enhanced Approach for Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement Structural Evaluation (Remaining Service Life Prediction Model) by Seonghwan Cho
- Implementation of Traffic Speed Deflectometer in Idaho Part 1 by Ken Maser
- Implementation of Traffic Speed Deflectometer in Idaho Part 2 by Nick Weitzel
- Investigation of High Resolution TSD Data by Nathan Bech
- PCC Slab Energy Attenuation Using FWD Data by Carl Lenngren
- PREDIWARE: A new Software for FWD Data Analysis by Jean-Marie Roussel
- The Traffic Speen Deflectometer by Peter Schmalzer
- Wireless MASW System for Subgrade Properties by Chuck Oden
2020 (Virtual)
- Initial Assessment of LWD for Placement and Performance Characterization of Coarse Aggregate and Railway by Ted Sussmann
- Use of FWD/LWD on Added Travel Lane on I-69 in Indiana for Exploring Pavement Options by Boonam Shin
- LWD Testing of Open-Graded Aggregates: Analyzing Size Effects through Laboratory Testing and Numerical Modeling by Deb Mishra
- LWD Implementation Protocols for QA of Compaction by Larry Olson
- MnDOT & MnRoad FWD Practices and Data, by Steve Henrichs
- Temperature Correction of FWD Deflections of HMA Pavements from LTPP’s SMP Sections by Dan Ye
- Finding Leaking Water Main by FWD Energy Dissipation by Carl Lenngren
- DAPSv2: FWD Tests Back-Analysis for the XXI Century by Sergio Raposo
- Highway and Airfield Pavement Instrumentation Technologies by Tom Weinmann
- Repeatability Assessment of TSD/Summary and Analysis of TSD Data Collection at MnROAD by Nate Bech
- Constructing Master Curves of the Asphalt Layer Based on TSD Measurements by Natasja Nielsen
- Rapid Continuous Structural Evaluation of Low Volume Road by Graham Salt
- Radial Sensor Selection for the AASHTO 93 FWD Backcalculation Formula by Christopher Senseney
2019 (Apharetta, Georgia)
- Value of Comprehensive Pavement Assessment by Jerry Daleiden, P.E.
- Effect of Moving Dynamic Loads on Pavement Performance by Hyung S. Lee
- Effects of Loading Speed and Pavement Temperature on Airfield Asphalt Stresses by Richard Ji, P.E., Ph.D.
- Estimating Fatigue and Rutting Strain from Traffic Speed Deflectometer Measurements by Leif Grønskov
- Evaluating the Performance of Georgia’s Pavements Using Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) by Stephan A. Durham, Ph.D., P.E. and S. Sonny Kim, Ph.D., P.E., FASOE
- FWD Calibration Improvements by David P. Orr, P.E.
- Selecting of Subgrade Resilient Modulus for Pavement Design Using FWD Testing by Chris Senseney
- JCP Pavement Deflection Variations Associated with Temperature Gradients by Dan Ye, Ph.D., P.E.
- Lightweight Deflectometer Testing of Idaho Soils in the Laboratory and Correlation Development with Resilient Modulus Test Results by Debkanta Mishra
- RAPTOR – A Replacement for FWD? by Jack Larsen
- FWD Testing on Asphalt Concrete with Varying Temperatures by Carl A. Lenngren
- Subgrade Shear Strength Parameters Estimation Using Light Weight Deflectometer by Hadi Nabizadeh
- The Pavement Project Cycle: Deflection and the Forgotten Parts by Peter N. Schmalzer, P.E.
2018 (Boise, Idaho)
- Assessing the Applicability of Deflection Basin Parameters for Network-Level Pavement Condition Assessment – Mechanistic Analysis and Case Studies by Deb Mishra, Ph.D., P.E.
- Applying the Latest Technology to Optimize Pavement Assessment by Jerry Daleiden, P.E.
- TSD: Reality Checks Terminal Treatment Lengths & 10m vs 2m Averaging by GeoSolve Pavement Analytics Group
- Calibration and Validation of Airport Pavement Design Model Using the FAA Full-Scale Pavement Testing Program by Richard Ji, P.E., Ph.D. and Biquing Sheng, Ph.D.
- Chevlay2 by David Orr, P.E., Ph.D.
- FWD Testing on Unbound Surfaces 27 Years of Experience from Mn/Road to Construction Related Performance Specifications by Carl A. Lenngren
- How Fast Can we Go? by Dynatest
- Jils Field Calibration Techniques and the New Smartcal In-Place Sensor Calibration (One Year Later!) by Gary Sanati
- The Use of LWD Measurements on Proctor Molds for Determining Target Modulus by Stan Smith
- Maximizing the Value of TSD Measurements Using Physical Modeling by Christoffer P. Nielsen
- Modelling Pavement Response to Superheavy Load Movement by David Hein, P. Eng.
- Who Says Backcalculation is Only About Layer Moduli? by Hyung S. Lee
- Pavement Evaluation of Arterial Roadway System Using FWD, GPR, Roughness, and Coring Data by Abbas A. Butt, Ph.D., P.E. and Maziar Moaveni, Ph.D., P.E.
- Temperature Correction of Asphalt MOduli by Peter N. Schmalzer, P.E.
- Update on FWD Calibration Protocols by David P. Orr, P.E.
- Application of Falling Weight Deflectometer to Estimate In-Situ Shear Strength Parameters of Subgrade by Hadi Nabizadeh
- Using FWD to Monitor Structural Adequacy of the Pavement Due to Flooding-Florida Case Study by Guanming Wang, Ph.D, P.E., Eddie Offei, Ph.D, Charles Holzschuher, P.E.
2017 (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
- An Experimental Approach to Maintaining Older FWD Units by Shervin Janangirnejad,Ph.D, P.E., Dennis Morian, M.S., P.E., Douglas Frith, M.S., P.E., & Eric Dygert
- Assessing Static Plate Load Tests from FWD Data by Carl Lenngren
- Back-Calculation of Characteristic Mechanical Parameters of Pavements from FWD Measurements by Marko Čičković, M.Sc.
- Backcalculated Modulus for Rehabilitation Design With Pavement ME by David Hein, P.Eng.
- Case Study Comparisons between Static and Dynamic Backcalculation Results by Hyung S. Lee
- Comparing Backcalculated Layer Moduli Using Different Nondestructive Devices for Airport Pavement Applications by Richard Ji Ph.D, P.E. and Al Larkin
- Correlation Between Pavement and Subgrade Moduli: An Indication of Condition? by Peter Schmalzer, P.E. and Nick Weitzel
- Development of ANN-GA Program for Backcalculation of Viscoelastic and Nonlinear Pavement Moduli under FWD Testing by Hao Wang, Ph.D and Maoyun Li, Ph.D. Student
- Effect of Moving Dynamic Loads on Pavement Deflections and Backcalculated Modulus by Hyung S. Lee
- Effects of Backcalculated Subgrade Moduli on Airfield Pavements by Jeffrey Gagnon, P.E.
- Evaluation and Rehabilitation Design of Airport Pavements Using FWD, GPR, Automated Distress Survey & Destructive Testing by Jibreel Rana and Abbas A. Butt
- Traffic Speed Deflection Data Applied to Network Asset Management, the Kaikoura Bypass Reality Check
- Update on Network Roadway Structure Evaluation with the TSD and GPR by Ken Maser
- Updating the FWD Calibration Protocol by David Orr
- Use of the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) for Permeable Pavement Base/Subbase Compaction Quality Control by David R. Smith
2016 (Newark-Fremont, California)
- 25th FWDUG History by David Orr
- A Comedy of Errors in Pavement Design by David Orr
- AASHTO Pavement ME Deflection Data Analysis and Back-Calculation Tools by Hyung Lee
- Acceptance Testing for Precast Concrete Pavement Load Transfer Systems by Shiraz Tayabji
- Back-Calculation of Flexible Pavement Layer Moduli from TAD Deflection Data by Mahdi Nasimfar
- Bridging the Gap between Network and Project Level Pavement Analysis by Pete Schmalzer
- Energy Dissipation in Pavement Materials and Consequences for Backcalculation by Carl Lengren
- Falling Weight Deflection Testing for Evaluating Aggregate Base Layer Variability by Hani Titi
- Finite Layer Solution for Pavement Modeling and Back-Calculation by Hyung Lee
- Forensic Investigation of Georgia Pavements by Sonny Kim
- FWD Calibration – The Next Generation by David Orr
- Integration of TSD and GPR Data for Network Level Pavement Evaluation by Adam Carmichael
- National Airport Pavement Test Facility Construction Cycle 7 HWD Data Analysis by Albert Larkin
- Smart FWD Technologies and Case Studies Supporting Them by Gary Sanati
- Structural Characterization of Fractured Portland Cement Concrete Pavements by Luis Ramirez
- Using FWD Testing for the Selection and Acceptance of Full Depth Concrete Repairs by David Hein
2015 (Raleigh, North Carolina)
- Impact of Pavement Stiffness on Subgrade Stiffness by Pete Schmalzer
- Estimating Modulus of the Base Layers and Subgrade for Pavement ME Design in Manitoba by Maria Elena Oberez
- Curling’s Impact on FWD Data by Dany Ye
- Airfield Pavement Responses under F/HWD and Moving Aircraft Loading by Hao Wang
- Use of GPR and FWD to Help Select a Cost Effective and Adequate Pavement Rehabilitation Strategy by Cherif Amer-Yahia
- Integration of FWD and GPR for Rehabilitation Design and Substructure GeoDatabase Development in Idaho by Ken Maser
- LTPP Backcalculation – Determination of in Place Elastic Layer Modulus by Harold L. Von Quintus
- Network Level Pavement Structural Evaluation – An Update from Two Recent FHWA Efforts by Nadarajah Sivaneswaran (Siva)
- Evaluation of the Financial Benefits of Network Level Traffic Speed Deflection Data by D.J. Swan
- Statistical Analysis of F/HWD Round-up Data at National Airport Pavement Test Facility by Paul Higgins
- Structural Quantification of Benefits of Subsurface Drainage using FWD Testing Program by Richard Y. Yi
- The Use of FWD/LWD and GPR in the First Experiments at the PAVELAB in Costa Rica by Melissa Rojas-Marin
2014 (Indianapolis, Indiana)
- Application of FWD-GPR Technology by Brian Trenner
- Asphalt Master Curve from FWD Data by Halil Ceylan
- Critical Responses from FWD Deflections by Hao Wang
- Field Calibrations by Dave Morrow
- FWD Best Practices Guide by Maria Knake
- FWD Roundup at FAA NAPTF Injung Song
- Interpretation of Surface Modulus Data by Pete Schmalzer
- Past Present and Future of FWD Calibration by David Orr
- RWD for Energy Development Roads by Paul Wilke
- Subbase Requirements for Unsealed Joints by Yigong Ji
- Traveling Speed Deflectometer by Jim Johnson-Clarke
- Update to 2010 FWD Roundup by Al Larkin
Backcalculation Workshop:
- Overview of Backcalculation by David Orr
- Overview of Backcalculation Video 1
- Overview of Backcalculation Video 2
- Overview of Backcalculation by David Orr (Handout)
- Backcalculation: An Overview and Perspective by Professor L.H. Irwin, Ph.D, P.E. (Handout)
- Comparative Introduction to Some Backcalculation Programs by Pete Schmalzer
- Alternative Methods of Pavement Analysis by Halil Ceylan
- Overcoming Common Problems with Backcalculation by Harold Von Quintus and David Hein
2013 (Baltimore, Maryland)
- Metrology in Everyday Life by Robert Lutz
- Standardizing Lightweight Deflectometer Measurements for Quality Assurance and Modulus Determination in Unbound Bases and Subgrades by Charles Schwartz
- Comparison of FWD Back-Calculated Moduli with In-Situ Pavement Layer Moduli Measured during Construction by Kamran Majidzadeh, Todd Majidzadeh, Laith Tashman, and Chrif Amer-Yahia
- Integration of KUAB HWD/FWD with GPR and Data Processing by Abbas Butt
- Summary of IPRF Project: Joint Load Transfer in Airfield Concrete Pavements by Christopher Byrum
- Comparison of In-Situ Measured Vertical Stresses under the Full Scale Loading of an Aircraft versus F/HWD Equipment by Jeffery Gagnon
- Test and Evaluation of Taxiway and Runway for Small Airports Using the FWD by Yigong Ji
- Simplified Analysis and Non-Linearity on Prediction of FWD Deflections and Pavement Responses by Regis Carvalho
- Effect of Dynamic Analysis and Non-Lindearity on Prediction of FWD Deflections and Pavement Responses by Hao Wang
- Enhancement of FWD Back-Calculation by Kuni Matsui
- Use of the Falling Weight Deflectometer – The Costa Rican Experience by Melissa Rojas Marin
- Comparison of AASHTO ’93, AASHTO ’98 and Layered Elastic Analysis of Jointed Concrete Pavements by Peter Schmalzer
- Pavement Structural Evaluation at the Network Level by Beth Vistine
- Using Dead Weight Primary Force Standards for the Calibration of the FWD Load Cell by Henry Zumbrun
- Proposal to Develop a Best Practices Guide for the Operation and Maintenance of Falling Weight Deflectometers by David Hein
2012 (Sacramento, California)
- Seasonal Response of a Pavement When there is No Seasonality by David P. Orr, PE, PhD
- What to Expect When You Get Your FWD Calibrated by Maria Knake
- Signing Up for the FWD calibration Center Operators’ Online Forum by AMRL
- Application of FWD and GPR in Mainline Pavement Evaluation for the Ohio Turnpike – Presentation on Asset Management Solutions Using GPR and FWD Integration by Kamran Majidzadeh,Ph.D,PE and Cherif Amer-Yahia, Ph.D, PE
- Pavement Capacity Investigations at 23 Airports in South Carolina Combining FWD and GPR by Ken Maser and Bill Weiss
- Foundation Mechanics Inc. – Can Roads handle the Space Shuttle Endeavor/transport Loads? by Gary Sanati and Adrian Elizondo
- FAA Pavement Response Comparison F/HWD verses Full Scale Loading at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility by Al. Larkin
- FWD Dynamic Analyses and Rolling Resistance by Carl A. Lenngren
- Case Studies Using Falling Weight Deflectometer Data with Mechanistic-Empirical Design and Analysis by Mark P. Gardner,PE
- Incorporation of Reliability of M-E Pavement Design Using Variation of Backcalculated Pavement Layer Moduli by Richard Y.Ji Ph.D.,PE, Q.Qi M.S., and T. Nantung Ph.D.,PE
- Getting Rid of Mercury by Maria Knake
- Keeping the Millennium Falcon Flying: A Q&A of problems and repairs associated with older FWD’s by David P. Orr, PE and Nick Kuzmik
- Traffic Speed Deflectometer TSD by Jorgen Krarup
- Network Level Pavement Structural Evaluation by Nadarajah Sivaneswaran
- Use of RWD Equipment in Network Pavement Evaluation by Amy Simpson, Ph.D, P.E.
2011 (Champaign, Illinois)
- Optimizing Ground Penetrating Radar s Data Interpretation for Proper Pavement Assessment by Imad L. Al-Qadi
- Accuracy of Automated GPR Analysiswith FWD Back‐Calculation for Error Correction by Ken Maser, Laura McGrath, and Jason Puccinelli
- Monitoring of Asphalt Mixture Compaction Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) by Zhen Leng, Imad Al-Qadi, and Pengcheng Shangguan
- Field Modulus Measurements on Unsurfaced Pavements using Light Weight Deflectometer and GeoGauge by Debakanta Mishra, Erol Tutumluer, Maziar Moaveni, and Yuanjie Xiao
- Effect of Moisture Variation on Subgrade and Base Material MR Design Values and its implementation in MEPDG by Yigong Ji, Ph.D., P.E., Nayayarzia Siddiki, P.E., Tommy Nantung, P.E., and Daehyoen Kim, Ph.D., P.E.
- AASHTO PaveSuite – Pavement Evaluation Tools by Hyung S. Lee
- Optimizing Speed of FWD operation (Equivalent MPH) for Network level Testing by Gary Sanati
- FWD Data Collection and Processing of the Roper Highway, Northern Territory, Australia by Jim Johnson-Clarke
- Update of the FAA Falling/Heavy Weight Deflectometer Roundup by Albert Larkin
- Deflection: Input to Asset Management? By Thomas Van
- Backcalculation of Asphalt Concrete by Layered Viscoelastic Solution by Dr. Karim Chatti , Dr. Emin Kutay, and Ligang Lie
- Backcalculation Based on Wave Propagation: It it useful for practice? By Kunihito Matsui
- FHWA Project Task 2 – Theoretical analyses by M. Emin Kutay, Ph.D., P.E., Karim Chatti, Ph.D., Nadarajah Sivanesaran, Ph.D., and Nizar Lajnef, Ph.D
- Enhanced Analysis of FWD Data for ME Design and Possible Improvements to FWD Testing by M. Emin Kutay, Ph.D., P.E., Karim Chatti, Ph.D., Nadarajah Sivanesaran, Ph.D., and Nizar Lajnef, Ph.D, Imen Zaabar,Ph.D, and Nadarajah Sivanesvaran
- ViscoWave – A New Forward Solution for Dynamic Backcalculation by Hyung Lee
- FWD Backcalculation in DARWin – METM Rehabilitation Design by Jaganath Mallela
- Timing of FWD/HWD testing on Jointed Concrete Pavement by Gabriel Bazi, Ph.D,P.E., and Richard Stubstad, PE
2010 (Gainesville, Florida)
- State Materials Office by Tom Malerk
- Evaluation for Microsurfacing as Pavement Preservation Treatment: A Case Study by Yigong Ji, Ph.D., P.E., Tommy Nantung, Ph.d.,P.E., and Dwayne Harris, Ph.D., P.e.
- The New Kid on the Block – The Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) by Richard Stubstad
- Pavement Structural Evaluation: An Inside View by Lynne H. Irwin
- F/HWD Round-Up 2010 by Albert Larkin, AJP-6312
- Application of FWD in Performance Characterization of Pre-Cast Panels Used in Rapid Repair of Severely Damaged Airfield Runways by Reza Ashtiani, PhD, PE, Athar Saeed, PhD, PE, and Michael Hammons, PhD,PE
- California’s Partnered Pavement Research Program by Lorina Popescu P.E.
- Accelerated Pavement Testing to Assess Performance of Pavement Systems by James Greene
- Calibrating the Pave FWD 150 by Peter N. Schmalzer, P.E.
- Bad Data is Always Bad: Field Checks of FWD Data by David P. Orr,PE
- Correlation of Mayer Moduli Determined from Laboratory and Nondestructive Field Tests by Emmanuel Fernando & Jeong Ho Oh
2009 (Reno, Nevada)
- Case Study Using CalBack-Backcalculation Tool for Caltrans ME Design by Lorina Popescu P.E.
- FWD Testing and Analysis in Haleakala National Park by MikeVoth
- Characterization of a Two-Layer Soil System Using an LWD with radial Sensors by Maj Chris Senseney
- A New Midwest FWD Calibration Center by Applied Research Associates, Inc.
- Why AMRL by Robert A. Lutz
- Johnson Loading Impluse Systems – Falling Weight Deflectometer Experts by Gary Sanati
- Use of FWD Data in Metwork-Level Pavement Management Systems – Performance and Economic Rating System (PERS) by Gabriel Bazi, PhD, PE
- Falling Weight Deflectometer – Data for New Construction – Interactive Design by Carl A. Lenngren
- New Developments in GPR – of potential interest to the FWD community by GSSI
- A Comparison of Surface Wave Tests for Pavement System Thicknesses/Moduli by Matthew P. Hergert
- Load Pulse Width and Deflection Analysis Using FWD and MDD Data at NAPTF by Injun Song, Ph.D. and Gordon Hayhoe Ph.D.
- F/HWD Round-UP 2010 by Jeffrey Gagnon, P.E.
2008 (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
- Automated Pavement Thickness Evaluation for FWD Backcalculation using GPR by Ken Maser
- Equipment Maintenance Checklist FWD / HWD by Fugro
- FWD Safety: Today and Tomorrow by Joe Pitlik
- Can a Heavy Falling Weight Deflectometer Improve Construction Control? – A Case Study by Carl A. Lenngren
- Curling and Warping Effects on Backcalculation of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Layer Moduli by Halil Ceylan, Mustafa Birkan Bayrak, and Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan
- An Overview of Dynatest Structural Testing Equipment by Dave Morrow
- The Quest for Backcalculation: It’s Only a Model by David P. Orr
- RoadBC Version 4.10 Manual BackCalculation Spreadsheet by David P. Orr P.E.
- RoadBC FWD Trial Data by David p. Orr P.E.
- Composite Criteria for Asphalt Cracking Failure and Subgrade Rutting Failure assembled by L.H. Irwin
- AC Modulus vs. Temperature: Lab vs. Field by Peter N. Schmalzer, P.E. and Travis R. Thompson P.E.
- In-Situ Stress and Strain Response of LWD Testing and LWD as A QA Tool by Christopher T. Senseney, P.E., Maj, USAF
- The UCPRC West Coast FWD Calibration Center by Bruce Steven, Ph.D
- “Which Backcalculation Program Should We Use?” – ELMOD [Evaluation of Layer Moduli and Overlay Design] by Gabriel Basi, PhD, PE
- Falling Weigth Deflectometer by Carl Bro
- CDOT Study No. 20.60 Evaluation of Longitudinal Joint Tie Bar System by Jagannath Mallela, Ahmad Ardani, P.E., and Paul Littleton, P.E.
- Using FWD Data with M-E Design and Analysis by Jim Bruinsma, P.E.
- Low Volume Roads in Iceland FWD at Network level by Haraldur Sigursteinsson
- Nondestructive Evaluation of Concrete and Asphalt Pavement Thicknesses, Moduli and Subgrade Support: Impact Echo (IE), Surface Waves (SASW and MISW), and Slab Impulse Response (SIR) NDE Methods by Larry D. Olson, P.E.
- Creating a Safety Culture by Joe Pitlik
2007 (Des Moines, Iowa)
- Staring at Deflection Traces: Looking for the Truth in Time Histories by David P. Orr
- Effect of slab curling and warping on pavement layer backcalculation by M. Birkan Bayrak, Ph.D. candidate and Halil Ceylan, Ph.D.
- Recent European Developments and Trends in the backcalculation of Pavement Layer Stiffnesses by Carl A. Lenngren
- Use of FWD data analysis for mechanistic-based pavement analysis and design by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan and Halil Ceylan
- Generic FWD Operations Manual by David P. Orr and Lynne H. Irwin
- The Dynatest TMD Truck Mounted Deflectometer: The good, the bad, and the other by Dave Morrow
- The Rolling Wheel Deflectometer: A High-Speed Deflection Device for Use in Asset Management by Douglas Steele, P.E.
- New Developments in GPR: of potential interest to the FWD community by GSSI Robert Parillo
- Implementation of the New FHWA Procedure for FWD calibration by Lynne H. Irwin
- Falling Weight Deflectometers in Australia with emphasis on network testing by Jim Johnson-Clarke
- Using FWD Data to Predict Vibration Sensitive Pavement Rehabilitation Work Zones by Hyung S. Lee
- Deflection Data Averaging: Is it a good thing? By Peter N. Schmalzer, P.E.
- Update on the Forward Calculation Method-DELMAT by M. Makbul Hossain
2006 (Helena, Montana)
- The Integration of FWD and GPR – 1 year later by Robert Parrillo
- FWD Operator Training: What the FWD Operator Needs to Know to Collect Accurate Data and Help Achieve Successful Analysis by Timothy J. Martin, P.E.
- The search for Suitable Lab Test Procedures and Materials Models for Mechanistic Design by Prof. Lynne H. Irwin [powerpoint]
- Using FWD Data with M-E Design and Analysis by Nadarajah Sivaneswaran Ph.D., P.E.
- Costs and Consequences due to Calibration Errors in FWD Testing by Yigong Ji Ph.D., and Tommy Nantung Ph.D., P.E.
- Getting the FWD Data the Engineer Really Needs: Knowing What Data you Really Need the FWD Operator to Collect and Check by David P. Orr, P.E.
- FWD -Field Test Report Seasonal Testing Project- Handout by David p. Orr, P.E.
- Use of FWD in Virginia by Affan Habib, P.E.
- Revised Procedures for FWD Calibration by Lynne H. Irwin
- SLIC is Slick: FWD Data Screening – It’s 10:00 O’clock – Do you Know Where Your Sensors Are?
- FWD Data Analysis without Layer Thickness Information by M. Makbul Hossain
- FWD Data Analysis without Layer Thickness Information by M. Makbul Hossain, Ph. D., P. E.
- Portable Falling Weight Deflectometer and DCP Use On Low Volume Roads by Bill Vischer
2005 (Austin, Texas)
- The Integration of FWD and GPR – Integrated FWD and Pavement Thickness Data Acquisition and Storage by Robert Parrillo
- Using the FWD on Construction Projects by Trenton M. Clark, P.E.
- FWD Troubleshooting: Rocket Scientists Need Not Apply by Dave Morrow
- Impact of Slab Curling on Backcalculation Analysis by Sameh Zaghoul, Ph.D., Ivana Marukic, M.Sc., and Nick Vitillo, Ph.D.
- Revised Procedures for FWD Calibration by Lynne H. Irwin [spreadsheet]
- Using FWD Data in QC/QA Applications by Richard Stubstad
- Application of Nondestructive Testing Technologies in Texas by Dar-Hao Chen, Ph.D., P.E.
- Analysis of FWD Data from the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF): Neural Network-Based Algorithms vs. Traditional Approach by Dr. Halil Ceylan, Dr. Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, Alper Guclu, and Mustafa Birkan Bayrak
- Network Level Pavement Evaluation for ODOT NHS by Veena Prabhakar
- Early Strength Gain of Cement – Treated Base in Reclaimed Pavement by Heather Miller, Maureen A. Kestler, and Christopher Chang
- PCC Joint Testing – Do’s and Don’ts by January Corn , Taslima Khanum, and Daba Shebera
2004 (West Lafayette, Indiana)
- Backcalculation: An Overview and Perspective by Prof. L. H. Irwin, Ph.D., P.E.
- Backcalculation: Basics and Beyond by Prof. L.H. Irwin, P.E., Ph.D.
- National Pooled-Fund Study TPF-5(039) “Falling Weight Deflectometer Calibration Center and Operational Improvements” by Eric Weaver
- The Development of a 2GHz Air Launched Horn Antenna for High Resolution Pavement Imaging by Robert Parrilo and Roger Roberts, PhD
- Enhancing Pavement Response Analysis Using Ground Penetrating Rader by Zubair Ahmed, Ph.D., Sameh Zaghloul, Ph.D., P.E., and Khaled Helali, Ph.D.
- Characterizing HMA Moisture retention Using Ground Penetrating Radar; A Case Study on Indiana US-41 by Dwayne Harris, Samy Noureldin, Kurt Summor Shou Li, and Jie Shan
- Rolling Weight Deflectometer by Doug Steel, ARA
- VDOT’s Premium Pavement Study by Trenton Clark, P.E.
- Developing State-Specific Environmental Adjustment Models for Pavement Evaluation by Zubair Ahmed, Ph.D., Sameh Zaghloul, Ph.D., P.E., and Khaled Helali, Ph.D.
- Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Backcalculation of Pavement Layer Moduli by Dr. Halil Ceylan , Alper Guclu, Dr. Erol Tutumluer, and Dr. Marshall R. Thompson
- Balancing Various Level of FWD Analysis by David P.Orr, P.E.
- Use of artificial Nueral Networks for Backcalculation of Pavement Layer Moduli by Halil Ceylan, Alper Guclu, Erol Tutumuler, and Marshall Thompson, Iowa State University [powerpoint]
- Characterization of Bonding Condition for Concrete Overlay Design using FWD Deflection Measurements by Shou Li and Samy Noureldin
- Framework for Evaluation of a Cost –Effective Method for Placing and Removing Spring Load Restrictions on Low Volume Roads-The Portable Falling Weight Deflectometer by Maureen A. Kestler and Richard L.Berg
- FWD Correlation Study by Zubair Ahmed, Ph.D., Sameh Zaghloul, Ph.D., P.E., and Khaled Helali, Ph.D.
- Structural Evaluation and Performance of Concrete Roads based on FWD Testing by Dr. Ing. Andreas Grossmann
- Improvement Of Dynamic Backcalculation Analysis Based On Random Selection Of Seed Values by Maina, J.W., Higashi S., Kikuta, Y. and Matsui, K.
- Improvement of Dynamic Backcalculation Analysis Based on Random Selection of Seed Values by James W. Maina
2003 (Wichita, Kansas)
- GPR Q & A Time by Bruce Vandre, P.E.
- Developing Seasonal Models of Unbound Layer Moduli for Pavement Design in New York State by Lynne H. Irwin
- Use of FWD and GPR in the Analysis of Addison Airport: A Case Study by Timothy J.Martin
- FAA Nondestructive Testing of Airport Pavements Research Program by Wayne H. Marsey
- FHWA’s Rolling Wheel Deflectometer: Texas Pilot Test and Evaluation by Max G. Grogg, P. E.
- Evaluating the Modulus of Cracked Concrete by Bruce Vandre, P.E.
- FWD Wave Propagation Modelling and Equipment Calibration by Christ van Gurp
- Deflections, Stresses, and Strains by Richard Stubstad
- Quality control and Quality Assurance Maintenance Procedures Reproducibility and Calibration Strategy of the Dynatest Falling Weight Deflectometer by Randy Beck
- Rebuilding the FWD Test Vehicle after a Major Accident by Albert Oyerly, P.E. and Kenneth Hallgren
- Guidelines and methods for calibration of portable falling weight deflectometers: PRIMA 100 light weight FWD by Carl Bro Pavement Consultants
- Original Traffic Control Vehicles by Amestoy
- Use of FWD in the Network Level Pavement Condition Survey by Binod Sapkota
2002 (Roanoke, Virginia)
- Consideration of Stress in Backcalculation of Subgrade Moduli by Swetha V. Chitrapu, Mustaque Hossain, Ph.D, P.E., and Stefan Romanoschi, Ph.D., P.E.
- Backcalculation Validation Through Field Instrumentation by Alexander Appea, Gerado W. Flintsch, and Imad L. Al-Qadi
- Backcalculation: An Overview and Perspective by Professor L.H.Irwin PhD., P.E.
- Non-Destructive Measurement of Layer Thickness on Newly Constructed Asphalt Pavement by Kenneth R. Maser, T. Joe Holland, and Roger Roberts
- Falling Weight Deflectometer Calibration: Looking Back to the Future by David P. Orr, P.E. and Jean M.S. Wallace, P.E.
- Ground Penetrating Radar Evaluation for Flexible Pavement Thickness Estimation by Imad L. Al-Qadi, Charles E.Via, Samer Lahouar, and Amara Loulizi
- Use of Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Rehabilitation of Composite Pavements on High Volume Roads by Kenneth R. Maser
- Establishing Load Limits for County Roads by Jerry H. Mohajeri, P.E.
- Development of a High-Speed Rolling Wheel Deflectometer by Douglas Steele, Jim Hall Jr., Richard Stubstad, Andres Peekna, and Robert Walker
- Screening Pavement Bearing Capacity Variance at Highway Speeds by Johan Granlund, M.Sc., Carl A. Lenngren, Fredrik Lindstrom, M.Sc., and Bertil Martensson, B.Sc.
- Case Study: The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) as a Multifunctional Analysis Tool by Michael Frabizzio, Robert Blight, Vahid Ganji Ph.D., P.E., and Kaz Tabrizi, Ph.D., P.E.
- Assessment of the Impact of Layer Moduli on Measured Surface Deflections by Dieter F.E. Stolle, Ph.D., P.Eng. and David K. Hein, P.Eng
- A Method for the Investigation and Validation of Composite Pavement Performance Including the use of the Falling Weight Deflectometer by David K. Hein, P.Eng., Chris Olidis, P.Eng., Eric Magni, and Douglas MacRae, P.Eng.
- Void Detection Under Airfield Pavements by L.J. Malvar, and G.D. Cline
- Guidelines for Evaluation of Highway Pavements for Rehabilitation by Kathleen T. Hall, Carlos E. Correa, Samuel H. Carpenter, and Robert P. Elliott
- Utilizing Pavement Evaluation Data in Rehabilitation Design in MDSHA by Tim Smith and Peter Stephanos
- Using a Ride Quality Index for Construction Quality Control and Acceptance Specifications by Mike Swan and Steven M. Karamihas
- Profiling Errors and How to Avoid Them by Rohan W. Perera Ph.D., P.E. and Starr D. Kohn Ph.D, P.E.
- Short-Term Roughness Progression on Newly Built Concrete Pavements by Zahidul Q. Siddique, Mustaque Hossain, Ph.D., P.E., and William H. Parcells, Jr. P.E.
- IRI Smoothness Criteria for Asphalt Concrete Pavements in Louisiana by Hani H. Titi and Masood Rasoulian
- Current Smoothness Assessment Methods and Vehicle Response by Tony Gerardi and Mike Freeman
- Evaluation of AASHTO Cracking Protocol: Quantifying Distress in Asphalt Pavement Surfaces by Jonathan L. Groeger, Peter Stephanos, and Paul Dorsey
- Development of a Static Back-calculation Software and Its Application to Maintenance of Flexible Pavement Structures by James W. Maina, Tsutomu Ihara, Takemi Inoue, and Kunihito Matsui
- Road Rougness Measured by Profilograph In Relation to Users’s Perception and the Need for Repair: A Case Study by Andreas Loizos and Christina Plati
- Developing a Design Policy to Improve Pavement Surface Characteristics by Thillainath Chelliah, Peter Stephanos, Tim Smith, and Bob Kochen
- Effect of HMA Properties on Pavement Surface Characteristics by Gerado W. Flintsch, Imad L. Al-Qadi, Robin Davis, and Kevin K. McGhee
- Joint Winter Runway Friction Program Accomplishments by Thomas J. Yager, James C. Wambold John J. Henry, Arlid Andresen, and Matthew Bastian
- A Preliminary Evaluation of FC-5 and FC-6 Friction Courses in Florida by N.Mike Jackson, Ph.D., P.E. Bouzid Choubane, Ph.D., and James A. Musselman, P.E.
- Automated Pavement Condition Index Survey by Gregory D. Cline, Mohamed Y. Shahin, and Jeffrey A. Burkhalter
- Implementation of Automated Network Level Crack Detection Processes in the State of Maryland by Jonathan L. Groeger, Peter Stephanos, Paul Dorsey, and Mark Chapman
- Development of Automated Pavement Distress Measurement System Following New AASHTO Provisional Protocol by Hosin “David” Lee, Ph.D., P.E., and Kihyoung “Jeffery” Kang, Samsung
- Pavement Asset Assessment For Secondary Roads by Dennis A. Morian, P.E., Douglas J. Frith, P.E., Stanford T. Hovey, and Trenton Clark.
- Establishing Reference Transverse Profiles for Rut Depth Measurements in New Zealand by Dr. Christopher R. Bennett
- Evaluating the Structural Strength of Flexible Pavements in Taiwan Using the Falling Weight Deflectometer by Jia-Ruey Chang, Jyh-Dong Lin, Wei-Chen Chung, and Dar-Hao Chen
- Advanced 3D Technology for Rut Measurements: Apparatus on Board of the Quebec Ministry of Transportation Multifunction Vehicle by Mathieu Grondin, Professional Engineer, Diane Leroux, Statistician, and John Laurent, Researcher
- Comparison of 3-point and 5-point Rut Depth Data Analysis by Kamesh Vedula, Mustaque Hossain, Ph.D., P.E, Jennifer Reigle, Ph.D., and Rick Miller, P.E.
- Detection of segregation in asphalt pavement materials using the Aran profile system detection by Geoffrey M. Rowe, Jay N. Meegoda, Andris A. Jumikis, Mark J. Sharrock, Nishantha Bandara P.E., and Hiroshan Hettiarachchi
- Automated Pavement Distress Survey: A Review and A New Direction by Kelvin C.P. Wang and Weiguo Gong
- Distress Collection for the City of Philadelphia with an Emphasis on Assessing the Impact of Utility Patching on the Network by Angela Wolters, Max Grogg, Kathryn Zimmerman, and John Cunningham,
- Laboratory Evaluation of Inertial Profiler Accuracy by C.W. Schwartz, J. Andrews, P. Stephanos, and D.G. Goulias
- Development of Quality Assurance and Control Procedures for Network Level Contract Pavement Surface Condition Surveys by Shawn Landers, Michael Robson, and Lynne Cowe Falls
- Quality Assurance Applied in Measuring Pavement Roughness of Ontario Provincial Roads by Li Ningyuan, Frank Marciello and Tom Kazmierowski
- Quality Management of Pavement Performance Data by Dennis Morian, P.E., Shelley Stoffels, D.E., P.E., and Douglas J. Frith, P.E.,
- Infrastructure Management Policies and Practices by Kaz Tabrizi, Ph.D., P.E., Robert Sauber, Vahid Ganji, Ph.D., P.E., and Michael Frabizzio
- Mechanistic-Empirical Design and Design Validation Toronto Highway 407 East Partial and Western Extension Freeway Design by David K. Hein, P. Eng., Carlos Fernandez-Lillo, P.Eng., and Fidel Saenz-Ormijando, Ph.D., P.Eng.
- How Bridges Affect Ride Quality on Ohio’s Interstate Highway System by Brian L. Schleppi
- A Smoothness Provision for Bridge Decks by Kevin K. McGhee, P.E.
- Comparison Of Non-Destructive Testing Devices To Determine In Situ Properties Of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Layers by Athar Saeed, Ph.D., P.E. and Jim W. Hall, Jr., P.E., Ph.D.
- Deflections Measured on Experimental Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Pavements by Xicheng Qi, James A. Sherwood, and Terry Mitchell
- Survey of Current Practices of Using Falling Weight Deflectometers (FWD) by Abdenour Nazef, and Bouzid Choubane
- Evaluation of Flexible Pavements in India Using an Indigenous Falling Weight Deflectometer by M.Amaranatha Reddy, K. Sudhakar Reddy, and B .B. Pandey
2001 (Gulfport, Mississippi)
- Soil Characterization Employing Falling Weight Deflectometer Directly on Subgrade by K.P. George and Ashraf M. Rahim.
- FAA Advisory Circular for Non-Destructive Testing on Airport Pavement by Wayne Marsey
- Case Study: Role of the Falling Weight Deflectometer in Pavement Rehabilitation Projects by Michael Frabizzio, Vahid Ganji, Ph.D, P.E, and Kaz Tabrizi Ph.D, P.E.
- Combining Traditional and Non-Traditional NDT Techniques to Evaluate Virginia’s I-81 by Trenton M. Clark, P.E.
- Effects of Temperature in Load Transfer by Kahled Galal
- Bridging the Gap between Testing and Analysis-Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love My FWD by Peter Schmalzer
- Comparative Study of Reinforcement Analysis Approaches with F.W.D. Tests by Marc-Andre Bourgie
- Synopsis – Update on the “SLIC” Method-LTPP Sensor Positioning Errors Revisited by Erland O. Lukanen
- Winflex 2000 – A Mechanistic-Empirical Overlay Design System for Flexible Pavements by F. Bayo
- FWD Calibration: What have we learned by David P. Orr, P.E.
- FWD Correlation Trials in the UK by Brian Ferne
- FHWAAs Accelerated Testing Facility (ALF) and FWDs by Katherine Petros
- Mobile Operation on a Two-Lane Road Using Flaggers diagram
- Lane Closure on a Two-Lane Road-Bridge Deck Diagram
- Lane Closure on a Two-Lane Road FWD
- Interpretation of FWD Results on an ASR – Affected Runway by Monty Wade, P.E. and Jim Bruinsma, P.E.
2000 (Ithaca, New York)
- Dynamic Pavement Modeling by Egbret Beuving
- Repeatability, reproducibility and accuracy of GPR measurements by Egbret Beuving
- Synopsis Update on the “SLIC” Method- LTPP Sensor Positioning Errors Revisited by Erland O. Lukanen
- In the Quest of Determining Pavement layer Moduli and Thickness From FWD Testing Without Backcalculation by Dr. M. Makbul Hossain
- Manitoba M-E Asphalt Overlay Design Study by Watson Manitoba Highways and Government Services
- FWD Operations- The Evolution of Total Quality Control Implementation by Andrew Brigg
- Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Reference Calibration by Andrew Brigg
- Coal Tax Severance Study – The Effects of Heavier Axle Loads on Southwest Virginia Pavements by Trenton Clark
- A simple rational approach for temperature correction of deflection basins by Denis St-Laurent
- FWD Operator Training by Brian Killingsworth and Robin Belt
- FWD Data Analysis by Brian Killingsworth
- A Practical Approach to Predicting Sub-Grade Moduli Using FWD by Abdenour Nazef
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Contact :
Jessica Schmalzer
Materials Division
Nevada Department of Transportation
1263 South Stewart Street
Carson City NV 89712
phone: (775) 888-7253
Jessica Schmalzer
Materials Division
Nevada Department of Transportation
1263 South Stewart Street
Carson City NV 89712
phone: (775) 888-7253
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Falling-Weight Deflectometer Users Group
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